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Progressive Mass Committees

Coordinating Progressive Efforts Statewide

Statewide committees play a crucial role in helping Progressive Mass expand our base, support chapters, and make effective advocacy happen. Serving on committees allows PM members to amplify their impact.

rally for $15 minimum wage
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Issues Committee

Most famous as the source of PM’s Legislative Agenda and Scorecard, the Issues Committee also monitors progress on selected bills, educates members and the public about them, broadcasts action alerts, and coordinates with coalition partners. In short, the Issues Committee drives PM policy with education, advocacy tools, and accountability tools.

Elections & Endorsements Committee

Well-known for its publicly posted, in-depth, multi-issue candidate questionnaires, the Elections & Endorsements Committee identifies which state and county races can advance progressive policy, gets candidates on record, hosts forums, and manages the endorsement vote processes.

Chapters Committee

Comprised of PM grassroots organizers, the Chapters Committee helps other chapters launch, grow, and function well. Also contact us if you’d like to start a chapter.

Membership Committee

Help PM expand membership and membership engagement, especially for members in areas without chapters (yet!).

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Digital Engagement Committee

Writers and graphics-skilled volunteers support the Issues Committee and PM overall with social media ready information.

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Technology Committee

The Tech Committee keeps things running smoothly behind the scenes, and supports chapters with training and information.

Development Committee

Join this committee to plan and carry out fundraising efforts to keep PM functioning and growing.