Beacon Hill Just Passed a Final Police Reform Bill. Here’s Where You Come In.

Last night, the MA Senate and House passed a consensus version of the police reform bills from the summer. Read our write-up here.

Let’s break down how it went and what’s next.

How Did Your Legislators Vote?

The Senate voted 28 to 12, with 8 conservative Democrats joining the 4 Republicans in voting against it. Note that the Senate had a veto-proof majority.

The House voted 92 to 67, with 35 conservative Democrats joining the 31 Republicans (and one Independent) in voting no. Note that this falls 14 votes shy of a veto-proof majority.

Let your legislators know what you think of their vote!

Thank them if they voted yes — and express your disappointment if they didn’t. Find their contact info here.

So What’s Next?

The Senate, to their credit, had a veto-proof majority, but the House didn’t. So that puts things in Governor Baker’s hands.

Call Charlie Baker at (617) 725-4005 and demand that he sign the bill.

We need to make sure that this passes, but there’s far more work to be done because, as has become clear, new rules, regulations, and reforms — while still helpful — cannot solve the problems in policing and incarceration in this country. We need to rethink what public safety means and move money away from policing and prisons and toward building thriving communities where everyone has the resources and opportunities they need and deserve.