Sunday, February 4, 2024: Activist Afternoons

Join us and allies on Sunday, February 4, at 4 pm in Porter Square to take action with our partner organizations to promote civic engagement in the company of your friends and neighbors. You will write postcards, make phone calls, and take other actions on a range of issues from voter registration, voter turnout, and progressive state policy.

We will be phone banking in support of key bills on housing and climate in the state legislature.

February 4, 2024: Make Polluters Pay Holiday Party

Join the movement for Polluter Accountability!

Join the Make Polluters Pay Campaign on Sunday, February 4 from 1-3 PM for an afternoon of strategizing and socializing in the Democracy Center (45 Mount Auburn St, Cambridge). We’ll go over our accomplishments from 2023 and plan out our campaign strategy for 2024 over tea and cookies.

The Polluters Pay bill would levy a one-time fee on major polluters to provide for critical climate resilience upgrades across the commonwealth, especially in environmental justice communities.

Jan 30: Thrive Act Day of Action

Join education justice activists from across the state tomorrow for the Thrive Act Virtual Day of Action!

Sign up here!

The Thrive Act would end the undemocratic state takeover system, stop the misuse of the MCAS as a high school graduation requirement, and build a school accountability and assessment system that centers student success and our communities.

10:00-11:30AM Coffee & Conversation on the Thrive Act: Have questions about the bill? Want to write a letter to the editor or posts for social media? Need a few talking points or encouragement to write to legislators? Bring your beverage and ideas to our zoom conversation and action hour! Come as you are, no experience or previous knowledge necessary!

12:30-1:30PM: Your Voice Matters! Tell your Story! Drop in Storytelling Workshop and Action: An opportunity for folks to get support writing letters to their legislator, letters to the editors, forming social media posts, and other storytelling mediums! 

4:00-5:30PM: Your Voice Matters! Tell your Story! Drop in Storytelling Workshop and Action: An opportunity for folks to get support writing letters to their legislator, letters to the editors, forming social media posts, and other storytelling mediums!

6:00-8:00PM: Mobilize and Phonebank!: We’ll be calling education justice supporters across Massachusetts to talk to them about the Thrive Act and help them contact their legislators in support of the bill. Sign up here!