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“Getting access to different languages should not be one of the problems to face.”

Testimony in support of the Mass Speaks Bill from Solidarity Lowell member Tara Hong

Dear Chairman Collins, Chairman Cabral, and Members of the Committee,   

My name is Tara Hong and I respectfully submits the following letter in support of S.1990/H.3084, An Act Relative to Language Access and Inclusion, and strongly urges the Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight to report the bill favorably.   

Nearly one in ten Massachusetts residents is limited English proficient. But as the COVID-19 pandemic made especially clear, many of our state agencies provide essential services and information only in English – effectively denying hundreds of thousands of families access to urgently-needed resources that can help them weather economic emergencies, care for their children, address health problems, stay housed, and much more. The Language Access and Inclusion Act would standardize and enforce language access protocols and practices at public-facing state agencies, ensuring non-English speaking residents can meet their basic needs and fully participate in their communities.

As an immigrant from Cambodia 10 years ago, English is my second language. It was tough for me personally for almost six years of my life learning English just to want to communicate in the community, pass tests, and or ask for support in the community. However, one good thing about my city is its diversity. I was surrounded by many people who spoke my language and were able to help me around. That is why I am writing to you today to ask for your support for this bill. I believe that everyone, no matter where they come from or what they speak, everyone should not be unable to ask for help and support because they don’t speak English. As an immigrant country and an immigrant state with many backgrounds all around, getting access to different languages should not be one of the problems to face. 

Everyone must have equal access to our government, no matter what language they speak. As Massachusetts is one of the most linguistically diverse states in the nation, we strongly urge you to issue a favorable report for An Act Relative to Language Access and Inclusion.  

Respectfully Submitted,   

Tara Hong

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