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Let’s Get Comprehensive Housing Policy Passed This Session

Massachusetts faces a growing affordable housing crisis, and we can see it everywhere in the Commonwealth.

And the only way to tackle that housing crisis is with a multi-pronged approach of protecting tenants from displacement, increasing housing production, and investing more in affordable housing.

Fortunately, Governor Healey’s housing bond bill (the Affordable Homes Act) offers a strong foundation. But it can be improved in key ways.

That’s where you come in. The Joint Committee on Housing is hearing testimony this Thursday on the housing bond bill.

Can you write to the committee in support of a comprehensive approach to the housing crisis?

Here’s what that would mean:

  • Allowing accessory dwelling units to be built by right in cities and towns across the state in order to increase the supply of housing (already in the bond bill — let’s keep it there!)
  • A real estate transfer fee local option that is accessible to cities and towns across the state as a way to raise money for affordable housing production and preservation (in the bond bill — but could be stronger)
  • Creating a process for the sealing of eviction records so that they no longer remain a permanent mark on tenants and make it more harder to secure housing (in the bond bill — but could be stronger)
  • Guaranteeing access to counsel so that all tenants have legal representation in eviction court (not in the bond bill — but could be!)
  • Repealing the ban on rent control and enabling municipalities to enact local rent control ordinances to stabilize housing costs and prevent no-cause evictions (not in the bond bill — but could be!)
  • Establishing a statewide Foreclosure Prevention Program to require servicers to participate in pre-foreclosure mediation with homeowners to explore alternatives to foreclosures (not in the bond bill — but could be!)