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Women of PM Spotlight: Dálida Rocha

Whether through leading a local chapter, serving on the Board, a committee, or as staff, women are the backbone of Progressive Massachusetts. This March, we want to highlight some of the many women who are leading our movement.

Dálida Rocha. Dálida leads Progressive Mass’ new chapter in Worcester, Progressive Worcester.  She is the Executive Director of Renew U.S and led the successful Yes on 4 for Safer Roads Campaign. Dálida is an African Immigrant and mother of three.

Get to know Dálida:

PM: Why did you choose PM as the home of your activism?

DR: Because we need more accountability in politics and PM knows how to do it.

PM: What issue are you most passionate about? 

DR: Immigration, housing, worker’s rights, clean water/air–Essentially racial, economic, immigration and environmental injustices.

PM: What was the first campaign on which you organized and what did you do? 

ZO: Youth Jobs/Juvenile Justice Campaign. I supported the youth in the recognition of their power.

PM: Who is your organizing or political idol? 

DR: Nelson Mandela, Malclom X, Ayanna Pressley, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

PM: What movie or book about your passion issue is your favorite?

DR: This is a hard one but one which touches on immigration, housing, worker’s rights & other issues I’m passionate about, The Parable of the Sower.

PM: What’s your favorite thing about canvassing or phone banking?

DR: Canvassing over phone-banking because I can get my steps in😂, get to know different neighborhoods, and connect with people face to face.

PM: What’s your go to quick campaign meal that is not pizza? 

DR: Carrots, bananas… and the reality is sometimes I forget to eat during campaign season. 😬

PM: If you could have a mundane super power, what would it be?

DR: The power to be invisible. 😂

PM: Tell us something you do that no one knows about or suspects?

DR: But if I tell you, people will know about it. 😂

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