Join MEJA’s We <3 Our Public Schools Day!

In honor of Valentine’s Day, MEJA (Massachusetts Education Justice Alliance) is having a We <3 Our Public Schools Day tomorrow.

Here are actions you can take to show your support for public schools on Valentine’s Day!

Share on social media what you love about public schools!

  • Share a photo of you holding a sign saying what you love about your school
  • Post photos with students, friends, teachers, staff, or anyone else in the school who has made a positive impact on you, students and school community!
  • Use the hashtag #welovepublicschools and tag @massedjustice!

Upload your photos and videos to the MEJA Soapboxx!

Check out MEJA’s folder and toolkit for some more ideas and social media prompts!

Tomorrow is an important deadline at the State House

Tomorrow is an important deadline at the State House: Joint Rule 10 Day.

According to this State House rule, every joint committee (i.e., committee of both the House and Senate) must take action on the bills before them by the first Wednesday in February.

That action can be to give the bill a favorable report (It advances!), to give the bill an adverse report (It’s done for the session), to send the bill to study (It’s effectively done for the session), or to give the bill an extension (It has more time).

The State House relies on deadlines to spur action, so expect to see a flurry of action on bills later this week.

That also means it’s a great time to contact the committees in support of critical bills.

Can you commit to sending at least one email by tomorrow? See below for some action tools.

Keep Up the Momentum for Criminal Justice Reform

If we want to continue to move past the failed model of mass incarceration – a model that costs outrageous sums, breaks apart communities, and does not increase public safety – then we need more policy action this year.

Urge the Judiciary Committee to advance key bills before a critical February 7 deadline.

  • Raise the Age (H.1710 and S.942: An Act to promote public safety and better outcomes for young adults): When young adults (18, 19, 20) are kept in the juvenile system, they are able to have better access to school and rehabilitative programming.
  • Prison Moratorium (H.1795: An Act establishing a jail and prison construction moratorium): Massachusetts does not need to build new prisons and jails. We need to be investing in programming, re-entry services, and community supports.
  • Clean Slate Bills (H.1598/S.979: An Act providing easier and greater access to sealing & H.1493/S.998: An Act to remove collateral consequences and protect the presumption of innocence): Too many people are trapped in poverty and deprived of jobs, housing and other chances for success because of their criminal and juvenile records. We need to allow for automatic record sealing in certain cases, rather than relying only on burdensome case-by-case petitions.

Can you write to the Judiciary Committee today in support of these key bills?

Let’s Set up all Students and Families for Success

Every student deserves the support and resources to thrive. That’s why we’ve been such strong supporters of the Common Start bills and the Thrive Act.

Common Start (H.489 and S.301): While Massachusetts is a nationwide leader on early education and child care and we’ve made important progress in recent years, the current system remains broken and access to quality early education and care remains out of reach for too many families. The Common Start framework would provide the specific structure that is needed to deliver affordable care options for families; significantly better pay and benefits for early educators; a new, stable source of funding for providers; high-quality programs and services for children; and substantial relief for businesses and our economy.

Thrive Act (H.495 / S.246): Massachusetts’ state takeover law and the state’s misuse of the MCAS as a graduation requirement are failing our students and disrupting their education. The Thrive Act would end the failed system of state takeovers of school districts, and replace it with a comprehensive support and improvement system that focuses on giving students and educators the tools and resources they need to succeed. The legislation would also support students by establishing a modified high school graduation requirement in which coursework would replace the MCAS test as the basis for showing student mastery of state standards. And, the legislation would create a commission to give our communities a voice in building a better assessment and accountability system.

Can you email the Joint Committee on Education in support of these bills?

It’s Time to Make Polluters Pay

Massachusetts communities are already experiencing the devastating and costly effects of climate change even without considering the HUGE cost of building the climate resilient infrastructure recommended by Climate Chief Hoffer in her 2023 report.

Unless action is taken, our communities will continue to bear the financial and emotional costs of climate change while the fossil fuel companies responsible for climate-related damages make record profits. These companies must bear the cost.

The Make Polluters Pay Bill (S.481/H.872) is a pathway to making that happen.

It would require top polluters to contribute to a superfund used to pay for climate-related damages in Massachusetts. It would create the Climate Change Adaptation Cost Recovery Program, generating $75 billion over the next 25 years for climate adaptation and resilience projects. These funds will then be dispensed through the Climate Change Adaptation Fund, with at least 40% of the funds going to projects directly benefiting environmental justice communities.

Can you write to the Joint Environment and Natural Resources Committee in support of these bills?

MA Needs to Lead on Democracy

In the late 1990s, after incarcerated individuals in MCI-Norfolk started political organizing, Republican Governor Paul Cellucci and the Massachusetts Legislature responded with retaliation and a multi-step process of disenfranchisement. Our commonwealth did something rare in recent history: it took away the right to vote from a category of people who were formerly enfranchised.

According to a new fact sheet from The Sentencing Project, over 7,700 otherwise eligible citizens in Massachusetts are disenfranchised due to a felony conviction. The report further underscores the racial disparities in the Massachusetts criminal legal system that leads to Black and Latinx residents being disproportionately denied their right to vote.

On April 26, 2023, the Joint Committee on Election Laws gave a favorable report to S.8/H.26, constitutional amendments filed by Sen. Liz Miranda and Adam Gomez and Rep. Erika Uyterhoeven that would ensure that incarceration never leads to a loss of voting rights.

Now, the Election Laws Committee must advance S.428/H.724 before the Feb. 7 deadline. This legislation would make relevant changes in state law, and is needed to accompany the constitutional amendments. Passing the constitutional amendments this year would be historic — we need to make sure these bills that change the law for local elections are moving at the same pace.

Can you write to the Joint Election Laws Committee in support of these bills?

Let’s Build on Recent Progress for Criminal Legal Reform

Earlier this month, MassInc published a study on MA’s 2018 criminal legal reform omnibus bill.

Takeaway #1: The bill led to significant reductions in incarceration without undermining public safety.

Takeaway #2: The work isn’t over.

If we want to continue to move past the failed model of mass incarceration – a model that costs outrageous sums, breaks apart communities, and does not increase public safety – then we need more policy action this year.

Urge the Judiciary Committee to advance key bills before a critical February 7 deadline.

  • Raise the Age (H.1710 and S.942: An Act to promote public safety and better outcomes for young adults): When young adults (18, 19, 20) are kept in the juvenile system, they are able to have better access to school and rehabilitative programming.
  • Prison Moratorium (H.1795: An Act establishing a jail and prison construction moratorium): Massachusetts does not need to build new prisons and jails. We need to be investing in programming, re-entry services, and community supports.
  • Clean Slate Bills (H.1598/S.979: An Act providing easier and greater access to sealing & H.1493/S.998: An Act to remove collateral consequences and protect the presumption of innocence): Too many people are trapped in poverty and deprived of jobs, housing and other chances for success because of their criminal and juvenile records. We need to allow for automatic record sealing in certain cases, rather than relying only on burdensome case-by-case petitions.

Can you write to the Judiciary Committee today in support of these key bills?

Tell Gov. Healey to Stop the Cuts

Earlier this month, Governor Healey responded to a revenue shortfall by making $375 million in unilateral 9C cuts to the budget, including cuts to cash assistance to the lowest-income families in the Commonwealth.Please help keep up the pressure on the Governor to rescind the cash assistance cuts that eliminated the 10% grant increases slated to take effect in April. We should not be balancing the budget on the backs of our lowest-income children and families, elders, and people with disabilities.

Call and/or e-mail Governor Healey to urge her to reverse the cuts to cash assistance:

Call (888) 870-7770

Suggested script:  “This is [name] from [city/town].  I’m calling to urge the Governor to rescind the 9C cuts to the TAFDC and EAEDC cash assistance programs.  The grant amounts are still far below even half of the federal poverty level.  It is unconscionable for Massachusetts to fill gaps in the budget by cutting cash assistance for our lowest income families with children, elders, and people with disabilities.”

Click here to send an e-mail.

Your Senator Needs to Hear from You on Gun Safety

Back in October, the MA House passed a comprehensive gun safety bill aimed to build upon and continue MA’s leadership in gun violence prevention. The bill included a more robust assault weapons ban; measures to crack down on ghost guns; prohibitions on firearms in government buildings, polling places, and educational institutions; and more comprehensive data collection — among other key measures.

The action now turns to the Senate.   The Senate is expected to release its own bill later this month. It’s time to contact your state senator and let them know that you want to see bold and comprehensive legislation.  Join the Massachusetts Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence in calling for a comprehensive bill that includes, among other key provisions: Industry accountability: Victims and survivors of gun violence are rarely able to hold those who have harmed them accountable due to a federal law that provides unique protections for the firearms industry. MA has the opportunity to create an avenue for victims and survivors to seek justice in the civil court system by creating a code of conduct that the firearms industry must adhere to, ensuring that their products don’t end up in the wrong hands and ultimately preventing harm.

Regulating ghost guns: Ghost guns are untraceable, unserialized firearms that can be assembled at home from a kit purchased online without a background check. MA must update our definitions of a firearm and require that all ghost gun kits and parts can only be sold to those with a license to carry firearms.

Gun violence data analysis: MA has been collecting data on guns recovered in connection with a crime for years, and we must use that data to better understand how guns are ending up in our communities. Looking more deeply at data on guns recovered in MA will allow us to close any loopholes in our laws and prevent future violence.

Email your state senator.

Let’s Get Comprehensive Housing Policy Passed This Session

Massachusetts faces a growing affordable housing crisis, and we can see it everywhere in the Commonwealth.

And the only way to tackle that housing crisis is with a multi-pronged approach of protecting tenants from displacement, increasing housing production, and investing more in affordable housing.

Fortunately, Governor Healey’s housing bond bill (the Affordable Homes Act) offers a strong foundation. But it can be improved in key ways.

That’s where you come in. The Joint Committee on Housing is hearing testimony this Thursday on the housing bond bill.

Can you write to the committee in support of a comprehensive approach to the housing crisis?

Here’s what that would mean:

  • Allowing accessory dwelling units to be built by right in cities and towns across the state in order to increase the supply of housing (already in the bond bill — let’s keep it there!)
  • A real estate transfer fee local option that is accessible to cities and towns across the state as a way to raise money for affordable housing production and preservation (in the bond bill — but could be stronger)
  • Creating a process for the sealing of eviction records so that they no longer remain a permanent mark on tenants and make it more harder to secure housing (in the bond bill — but could be stronger)
  • Guaranteeing access to counsel so that all tenants have legal representation in eviction court (not in the bond bill — but could be!)
  • Repealing the ban on rent control and enabling municipalities to enact local rent control ordinances to stabilize housing costs and prevent no-cause evictions (not in the bond bill — but could be!)
  • Establishing a statewide Foreclosure Prevention Program to require servicers to participate in pre-foreclosure mediation with homeowners to explore alternatives to foreclosures (not in the bond bill — but could be!)

A Recent Win + An Urgent Need for Action

A recent win: Earlier this month, one of our priority bills — No Cost Calls — became law after Governor Healey signed legislation to guarantee free access to phone calls to individuals behind bars, which will take effect on December 1 (this Friday).

We are delighted to see the Legislature listened to impacted communities and recognized the importance of ending the predatory practice of charging incarcerated individuals and their loved ones exorbitant fees to stay connected. No family should have to choose between affording basic needs like rent or food and staying connected with loved ones.The No Cost Calls victory is a win for families and a win for all people fighting for a more just commonwealth.
 Your Voice Needed: Take Action in Support of Families Experiencing Homelessness
That was the good news — and it’s really good news. But here’s some less good news. Last month, Governor Healey announced that the state would cap the number of placements in the Emergency Assistance (EA) family shelter program and related state-funded family shelter sites due to financial, space, and staffing constraints.After hitting the cap earlier this month, the Administration began implementing a waiting list for families approved for EA shelter, without providing families with alternative safe places to stay.

On November 15, the Legislature ended formal sessions for the calendar year without approving a supplemental budget that would provide critical funding to serve families experiencing homelessness.

With winter rapidly approaching, it is vital for the Legislature to take action.Can you write to your legislators today to underscore the importance of passing such funding and requiring that some of it be earmarked for overflow shelters? Email your legislators

Keep the Momentum Going for Medicare for All!

Health care is a human right, and our our policies need to reflect that.

That’s why we’ve been consistent supporters of Medicare for All, and the state’s Medicare for All bill is getting a hearing in the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing next Tuesday, November 14th at 10AM at the State House. The deadline to register to testify is this Thursday, November 9th.

Sign up to give testimony at the hearing

If you are able to go on Tuesday, then show up early to join Mass-Care for a rally outside on the State House steps before.
Rally and Testify for Medicare for All / Tuesday, November 14 — Rally 9 am, State House steps, Testify 10 am — Room A-1.

Whether or not you are able to submit testimony, it’s important for your legislators to hear from YOU.

Can you commit to writing to your state rep and state senator about Medicare for All?

And before you do…..Find out if your State Rep/Senator is a already a cosponsor.

Links from Our Friends at Mass-Care

  • Let Mass-Care know you’re coming
  • Spread the word about the 9AM rally on Facebook.
  • Check out Mass-Care’s Guide to the Bill Hearing

The Legislature Needs to Finish the Job on No Cost Calls

Right now, families are charged exorbitant fees to maintain vital connections with incarcerated loved ones. This is a regressive tax on the most marginalized families that also harms public safety by limiting communication and weakening community bonds.

As communities already struggle with the high cost of housing and health care, no one should be forced to choose between basic needs and maintaining contact with loved ones.

Earlier this year, the Legislature passed important legislation via the budget to end this predatory practice and to make such phone calls free (“No Cost Calls”).

So why are we emailing you about it?

Governor Healey sent back technical changes, deemed acceptable by the No Cost Calls / Keep Families Coalition. Two weeks ago, both House and Senate passed amended language, but to get to the Governor’s Desk, they need to vote one last time, to formally “enact” the bill.

Can you email or call your state legislators to ask them to enact H.4052 and finish the win on No Cost Calls?

Take Action: MA Needs Affordable, Accessible, High-Quality Child Care

Massachusetts has the most expensive childcare in the country. But that doesn’t have to be the case. We could have high-quality, accessible, affordable child care and early education.

The $20,913 average annual cost of infant care in Massachusetts is more than half of what a full-time minimum wage worker earns in a year, and more expensive than tuition at our public colleges and universities. With such high costs for just one child, families with multiple children are put in especially dire financial straits.

The system is also not working for early childhood educators, who often don’t receive a living wage, and child care providers, who face high operational costs and unstable funding. And when early childhood educators leave the field or providers close, that makes the system even less affordable and less accessible. We need a multi-faceted solution for a multi-faceted problem.

The Common Start bills would strengthen our commonwealth’s child care and early education infrastructure. They would provide stable funding for providers, ensuring greater access for families and supporting higher pay for educators. They would increase financial assistance to families offset the exorbitant costs of child care and early education.

The Committee held a hearing yesterday on these bills, but it’s not too late for you to submit testimony in support of the Common Start bills.

Can you write to the Education Committee today?

Use our testimony-writing tool here.

Build your own testimony here.