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Celebrating—and Building on—Historic Victories

On Tuesday, Massachusetts voters made history. We made history.

YES on 1, YES on 4

By voting YES on 1 and passing the Fair Share Amendment, Massachusetts voters said YES to a more equitable tax code and to transformative investments in our public schools and infrastructure.

This victory was years, decades, in the making. Since voters put a flat tax into the state constitution in 1915, Massachusetts has suffered from a regressive tax code, hamstringing our ability to deliver on a goal on shared prosperity despite great resources. Five times, activists tried to change that, but each time, facing moneyed opposition, misinformation, and anti-tax sentiment, they lost.

But this time, we—the people—won. The millionaires and billionaires of the state will chip in more so that every student can get a high-quality public education, so that our public colleges and universities can get proper funding, so that our roads and bridges can be safe to drive on, and so that our public transit systems can move us around the commonwealth more quickly.

And that win would never have happened without the countless hours of work from members of the Raise Up Mass Coalition, which we have been proud to be a part of. Your hours of signature collection, pledge card collection, phone calling, canvassing, educating friends and neighbors, holding events. It is that work that is the lifeblood of democracy.

By voting YES on 4 and upholding the Work & Family Mobility Act, we cemented our status as the 17th state to ensure that all qualified drivers, regardless of immigration status, can obtain a driver’s license, making our roads safer, expanding economic opportunity, recognizing that mobility is a basic right, and treating our immigrant communities with the dignity they deserve.

That victory, both legislative and ballot, was the result of the Driving Families Forward coalition, which we were proud to be a part of. And it, again, required the work of outreach, of organizing, and of pushing back against misinformation.

Both wins show the power of organizing across the Commonwealth in ways that bring community groups into coalition with labor and in ways that listen to the voices and needs of the most impacted.

So, THANK YOU for what you’ve done in making those victories possible.

But also THANK YOU for the work you will continue to do. Progressive Mass was founded almost ten years ago out of a recognition that this work needs to continue after the election is over. That period in between cycles is when we preserve and grow the power that we build, where we foster communities of organizers, where we educate our neighbors about what is possible.

We hope you’ll join us in that work by becoming a member of Progressive Mass.

Thank you for all you do.

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